The week before Easter, Holy Week, is marked by remembering the passion of Christ, from the last supper with his disciples to his crucifixion on Good Friday.
2025 Schedule:
Saturday April 12 and Sunday April 13,
continuously from 6:15-8:00pm.

Zion Lutheran Church in Valley City uses our “Passion Walk” to dramatize the events of Jesus’ last days in Jerusalem, on the Saturday and Sunday evenings of Palm Sunday weekend (in 2025, that’s April 12-13). Guests open with the Jerusalem marketplace, and while visitors wait for their walk to begin, they can experience a little of the sights, sounds, and culture of 30 AD. Groups walk from scene to scene in the church facility as they witness the Last Supper, Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and his arrest, Peter’s denial in the High Priest’s courtyard, Jesus before Pilate, the crucifixion of Jesus, and the sealed tomb. Almost sixty members of Zion take part in this event each year.

The event is fully handicapped accessible.
FREE and open to all ages. No tickets needed.
We hope that the Passion Walk will be an inspirational beginning to Holy Week. We urge you to invite your neighbors, relatives, and friends to come to the Passion Walk and experience the events that unfolded before Easter morning.