We work with several community partners for the good of our community.

ELCA Northeastern Ohio Synod
Our regional body, the Northeastern Ohio Synod of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) is empowered by the Word and Sacraments to worship the Lord of the church, nurture the faith among believers, witness to the grace of God in Jesus Christ, serve the needs of all people, and provide the necessary support to facilitate this mission.

Medina Cluster Churches
The Medina Cluster is made up of six local ELCA churches, including Zion, who work together to address the needs of our community. The five other churches in this association are:

Buckeye Local Schools service grades K-12. Zion youth and families come from a number of different school districts, but we partner most closely with the Buckeye Local Schools, the district in which the church facility is located.

Love INC
Love INC (Love In the Name of Christ) is the local affiliate of a national nonprofit organization, committed to serving people in Medina County who are facing financial hardships. Zion partners with Love INC for referrals and support in cases of special need.

Operation HOMES
Operation HOMES is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the homeless of Medina County, Ohio. By rotational partnering with local churches for shelter, food and the administration of life skill programs, Operation HOMES provides the opportunity for individuals to be independent, both personally and financially.

Feeding Medina County
Feeding Medina County is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization helping to feed families in need in Medina County. Programs include delivering food from the Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank to local food pantries, and distributing food to needy children, families, and seniors in Medina County.

Holy Trinity Soup Kitchen
They provide resources and support for children and families experiencing, or at risk for, homelessness. DLM, in partnership with Akron Public Schools’ Project RISE, provides students and families experiencing homelessness and hardships with food, clothing, and other vital resources. Originally an extension of Project RISE, DLM has expanded to offer assistance to all those in need, and is now open to the general public.

Buckeye Area Ministerial Association (BAMA)
BAMA is an ecumenical group consisting of several local churches in the Buckeye School District. Together, we work and pray for Christian unity, provide community forums, and support Buckeye students.