Hello Zion members and friends!
Worship will be live streamed starting at 7:00 pm, and once again you can participate from home.
Click below ahead of time, to view or download the bulletin. There are a few printed copies, along with a few hymnals that can be borrowed, in the black tote near the main entrance of Zion’s building.
Worship will include Holy Communion, and you are again welcome to participate at home by having a small amount of bread and wine (or grape juice) available for each person.
Instead of the traditional foot-washing part of the service, we will include a very simple hand-washing ritual. We trust that you’ll be doing the precautionary 20-second hand-washing with soap well before worship! So during the service, all you’ll need is a small basin and a towel. We will simply pour water over the hands and then dry them, as a reminder of Jesus’ act of love and service in washing the feet of the disciples. (Of course, you’ll want to “social-distance” your water from any electronics you’re using to participate in worship.)
If you have any news, God sightings, or prayer requests to share during worship, feel free to email or text them to me. I hope everyone is managing well after the storms and through the coronavirus pandemic!
Pastor Jim Watson