Worship Team

Team Leaders Bryan Penvose and Sherry Dey

These are the people involved in planning and implementing our Sunday worship and special worship seasons and events such as Lent, Holy Week, Advent, and Christmas Eve.  These include the Altar Guild, Worship and Music Team, Communion Servers, Readers, Acolytes, Ushers, and Senior and Junior Choirs.

Spiritual Growth Team

Team Leaders Deb Olinger and Jessica Kuczynski

These are the people who support our members as they learn more about faith.  They help provide instruction opportunities and support members to become teachers of faith in their lives.  Ministries include the Children’s Church and Children’s Chat, Vacation Bible School, Library, Milestone Ministries, Homebuilders (as teachers of faith to their children), Mentors, and nursery helpers.

Outreach and Ministries Team

Team Leaders Mary Ann Dalgleish and Jenn Kenney

These are the people who provide opportunities, events, and training to fulfill the goal of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in our community and throughout the world. To this end, the team supports many and varied activities, such as the annual Passion Walk, church picnic, Operation Homes, and support for our local partners in service.

Congregational Life Team

Team Leaders Barb Knerem and Megan Schlick

These are the people who help the congregation keep their lives stable and balanced so they are healthy and ready to do the ministry they are called to do. This includes the Care Team, Home Visitation Team, Communication Team, Hospitality Ministry, Fair Trade table, and those many groups who provide mutual support to one another: Women’s Bible Study, Luther League, Book Club, etc.

Facilities Team

Team Leaders Richard Hill and Paul Dey

These are the people involved in making sure our spaces are ready and inviting to do the ministry we are called to do.  This includes the ever helpful Trustees, Cemetery Committee, Landscaping Team, and the Aesthetics Team.

Financial Team

Team Leaders Barb Schumacher and Hillary Diestler

These are the people involved in ensuring that our members’ contributions are protected and available for the ministries we are called to do. This includes the Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Counting Team, Annual Audit Team, Memorial Committee, Budget Planning Team, and Endowment Fund.

Program Staff

Pastor Jim Watson

The pastor is called to lead the Word and Sacrament ministry of the congregation, serve as a member of the Council, and supervise staff. Pastor Jim is the 18th pastor to serve Zion since the 1830 founding. He and his wife Sheryl have two grown children, Josh and Elise.