Zion has many different ways to grow your faith. Which will be right for you?
Sunday Education

For children in Pre-K through 6th Grade, each Sunday includes a time for Children’s Church during worship, with education and activities that help make connections with God, the church, and the stories of the Bible.
After worship each week, there is a time of Growing In Faith for adults and for youth in Junior High and High School.
We are always trying to learn how to live out God’s call to service. Special offerings are collected each year for one of our partners in Christian service.
Parents and children can be “on the same page” by studying the same Bible passages in worship and in most classes. When families talk about their Christian faith, good things happen. These church lessons become life lessons, lived out all week long.
New Beginnings
This course is for all who are…
- Feeling that God might be calling you to something new; or
- interested in deepening Christian faith and beliefs; or
- Considering membership at Zion; or
- Just curious about Lutheran beliefs and traditions:
Pastor Jim offers the New Beginnings course two or three times a year, as needed. This is a time to get together an talk about our experiences and beliefs, church basics, and what it means to be a Christian in the Lutheran tradition. For some people, this could lead to being baptized or starting or renewing membership at Zion. For others, it may be a “faith refresher,” a form of “adult confirmation,” or a chance to share ideas. There are no obligations or expectations. All are welcome, including family and friends.
Good News & Brews

Adapted from the “Pub Theology” model, Good News & Brews is Zion’s casual, open-to-anybody gathering for conversation and friendship. We talk about all kinds of topics related to God, church, community, and life in general. Food and drink are optional, your choice.

Seekers is an adult study group that meets Wednesday evenings from September through May. We have used many studies over the years, from Genesis to Revelation; to Science and Creation; to growing older; to how to pray. The group enjoys lively discussion and fellowship.
As a result of studying the book of Acts, the Seekers group felt the call to be active in serving and went on five mission trips as a group. Their 5-day mission trips were to Konnarock, Virginia; Camp Frederick in Rogers, Ohio, two years; and to Camp Mowana in Mansfield two years.
The Seekers members are no longer able to take on a long mission, but still actively support local ministries.
Book Club

Looking for your next great read? There are so many wonderful spiritual books and religious authors. You may visit our lending library to see Zion’s full collection.