On Good Friday, we focus on the crucifixion of Jesus, and reflect on the fullness of meaning in his giving his life for the world. This would be an especially appropriate time to set a cross in a prominent place as you participate in worship. (Thank you, Bob Jenne, for over the years giving so many of us a way to do that!)

Worship will also include the extinguishing of seven candles, one at a time as each section of the passion story is read. Please do not make a special trip out for candles at home – but if you have candles or votives or tea lights available, or even if you want to turn off some light switches around your home, you may find that the gradual darkening helps you contemplate Jesus’ self-giving. We may also find that the setting sun provides some darkening of its own.

You are all in my prayers as we move through “The Great Three Days” toward Easter morning. Although our hearts and hopes want to fast-forward to a new morning when we can all celebrate Jesus’ resurrection together, I encourage you to “be in the moment” and let life be as it is for now. Take in the unique messages that Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and Holy Saturday have to offer. Acknowledge the darkness and grief in our own times, as we distance ourselves due to a risk all around us. This is the path Jesus chose to walk for us: not detouring around, but faithfully walking with us right through the darkest moments. May we understand and appreciate Easter more than ever this year – yes, even though we can’t gather in person, and even though it’s far from the way we’d want it to be – by traveling through these days of Holy Week together.

Pastor Jim Watson

Download Bulletin

Download the bulletin below. A few printed copies, along with a hymnals to borrow, are available in the black tote near the main entrance of Zion’s building.

Live Stream Service

Good Friday worship will again be livestreamed starting at 7:00pm, so that you can participate from home.