Easter Sunday Service
Children’s Chat with Jenn
Zion Sunday School Opening Easter Sunday 2020
God’s Story Our Story
Additional Spiritual Links
Pastor Allende’s Easter Message
Bishop Eaton’s Easter message
The Rev. Dr. John Vannorsdall: “Come and Have Breakfast”
At left, the flowers planted in the shape of the cross reminded me that in God’s hands, new life keeps coming, even in the face of all kinds of trouble. We continue to witness to the truth and power of Jesus’ resurrection, despite all of our current challenges!
I know others would be glad to get news and inspiration from you as well! If you can take a photo or video of your Easter celebration at home, flowers or other signs of life, family pictures, God Sightings, or just anything you’d like to share, please send that to me, Kim Fetty, or Gretchen Myers, and we will see that the people of Zion’s stories go out to brighten the world!